Thursday, October 24, 2019

Amazing Star Wars Boba Fetts at Hakes Auctions!

The Rocket Firing Offer for Boba Fett.

Proof of Purchase, Clip Four and It's Yours...

The Empty Promise And The Sad Truth...

No Chance Of Shooting Your Eye Out Kid...Ho, Ho, Ho

The Famous Rocket that could be Fired...

J-Slot Back

Selling at November 7th, 2019.
Estimate at $200,000.

(Left) L-Slot sold in 2019 for $112,000 and surpassing previous sold L-Slot for $85,000. (Right) J-Slot Nov. 2019 Sale. 

Kit Bash Grail

L-Slot Back
Yet another choking hazard or lost eyeball...